I welcome strong candidates at postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate levels. Postdoc openings are dependent on potentially positive funding decisions on yearly basis. You will receive a reply if your background is a fit for following topics:

  • multimodal scene representation for safe autonomy
  • safe planning and control at interactive and dynamic environment, especially for driving
  • intelligent and safe warehouse robotic fleet management

Postdoc Openings

Please contact Chen Sun directly if you are interested in a postdoc position.

The basic salary is no less than HK$30,000 per month. Outstanding candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS).

Please make sure that the following aspects are well covered in your application email.

  • Indicate in the email on your (1) primary goal of the research experience and particular interests (2) uniqueness and strength on research experiences/publications and/or skills and knowledge
  • Attach a CV including your (1) home university, major, GPA and ranking; (2) research/working experiences; (3) publications/patents (if any); (4) skill set on coding/software/hardware and corresponding proficiency; (5) knowledge set on methods/algorithms.
  • Attach a brief introduction (within 5 pages of slides) showing the core methods/algorithms and main results and demos of your previous research or working experiences.
  • Attach 3 representative publications (including submitted paper) or well-formatted project final reports if any.

PhD Openings

Please apply to the PhD programs at HKU-DASE and list Chen Sun as a potential advisor.

I am looking for 1-2 self-motivated Ph.D. students to join my research group in 2025 Spring or 2025 Fall. Successful applicants should meet the following criteria.

  • Strong mathematical and/or programming skills, programming experience with ROS, pytorch prefered.

  • A B.S. degree in related fields such as Automation, Statistics, Applied Math, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc.

  • Good writing and communication skills in English.

Successful applicants are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) during the normative study period. The basic level of scholarship is HK$18,760 per month. Outstanding applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme (HKPFS) and the Presidential Fellowship of the University of Hong Kong (HKU-PS), which offer a stipend of HK$28,100 per month plus a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$14,000 per year. HKU will also provide HKPF and HKU-PS awardees additional living and accommodation support (HK$40,000 in the first year and HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period).

If you are interested, please email me at c87sun@hku.hk with the following materials:

  • Indicate in the email on your (1) primary goal of the research experience and particular interests (2) uniqueness and strength on research experiences/publications and/or skills and knowledge (3) long-term/career goals
  • Attach a CV including your (1) home university, major, GPA and ranking; (2) research/working experiences; (3) publications/patents (if any); (4) skill set on coding/software/hardware and corresponding proficiency; (5) knowledge set on methods/algorithms.

Masters and Undergraduates

I am also happy to host remote research interns for undergraduate students who are interested in applying for a Ph.D. in any country or region (Preferred Canada/China based). Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss potential research projects that may be suitable for you.

We are interested in working with self-motivated students with (a) a strong theoretical and computational background (e.g., applied math, optimization and control, statistics, machine learning, and scientific computing), and/or (b) rich experiences in real robotic platforms (e.g., drones, manipulators, ground vehicles).